RingMurmurHash Functions Reference

Murmurhash extension is an extension written to implement a full implementation for the MurmurHash library.

MurmurHash1 functions

uint32_t murmurhash1(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

uint32_t murmurhash1_aligned(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

MurmurHash2 functions

uint32_t murmurhash2(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

uint32_t murmurhash2a(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

uint64_t murmurhash64a(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

uint64_t murmurhash64b(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

uint32_t murmurhash_neutral2(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

uint32_t murmurhash_aligned2(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

MurmurHash3 functions

uint32_t murmurhash3_x86_32(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

list murmurhash3_x86_128(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

list murmurhash3_x64_128(string key, int seed, [bool return_type]);

The third optional parameter is to set the type of the returned value, this parameter accepts a bool value [ true, false ], true will return a Hex value, while false will return a integer value.


load "murmurhashlib.ring"

key = "Ring Language"

see murmurhash3_x86_32(key, 0, 0) + nl // Output: 1894444853
see murmurhash3_x86_32(key, 0, 1) + nl // Output: 70eaef35